
By LifeLines

Have a great day!

I'm really enjoying all the little messages people are putting out to cheer us up and offer help.  

Our day was 'great' in that:
- we think we have found of the source of the leak from the sink and Andy has tightened a bolt which has hopefully resolved the problem;
- we managed to successfully cancel a fridge we ordered instead of a freezer - oops!  We realised as soon as we placed the order but have not been able to order a freezer as they are out of stock;
- we think Andy has resolved the problem with my emails in which apparently random emails were being deleted before they were downloaded into my 'inbox'.  He has reindexed the emails (whatever that means) and all seems well at the moment...we shall monitor!
- the sun has shined and its been warm enough to sit in the garden and enjoy the warmth;
- C19 cases appear to be reducing in Italy and Spain.

Hoping your day had some greatness in it!

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