Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Lockdown day 16

Posted on 30th March

It makes such a difference when the sun shines.  Today, despite the circumstances, was a 'good day' in lockdown.  Lots of neighbours were out this morning on their balconies, terraces and some just standing at their open windows, heads upturned, enjoying the sun on their faces.  I saw neighbours talking at a safe distance, a family following an exercise routine on their laptop, one sunbathing in a strappy top on a sunbed with her earphones on, while her husband sat on the other sunbed with his iPad,  another reading a book and a couple playing table tennis.  It felt like a community as we waved to our own close by neighbours in the passageway. 

Coffee in the sun on the balcony in the morning (my blip, thanks to Bb for the photo).  Aperitif on the terrace in the afternoon after we had swept the terrace and wiped everything down (see Bb's blip).   I then attended a webinar from 4-5-30 related to online work and at 6pm we had a Skype call and a drink with our good friends Jamie and Therese from The Hague, Holland, and commenting that just a month ago when they flew here for the weekend to celebrate Bb's birthday, we didn't have an inkling that things would get to this stage and it hardly came into the conversation. 

Balcony clapping at and it was strange being able to see all the 'clappers' with it being lighter now, having changed the clocks. 

Dinner was lamb chops, mushrooms, onions and eggs and we then started to watch the series Golddiggers, sent to us from a friend.  Had to use our imagines a bit though as we couldn't get the first two episodes and so started at number 3!   No spoilers please....not even sure how old this is! 

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