Curiouser & curiouser...

By turningbull


A nice lie in this morning before a very quick walk to 'work' at York Place. Attended a conference at the old Police Club, which included some very interesting talks. It finished at 3pm so I got home good and early and had another go at drawing buffalo. This was a more successful attempt, but I ran out of paper.

Went for some lovely dinner afterwards and then to see Zero Dark Thirty. It was good, and I didn't realise how long it was, which is interesting because I normally start getting bored 2/3s of the way through the film. But given the 'feminist' image of the director Kathryn Bigelow, I found the giddiness of her female CIA agents at the prospect of interrogating high-up al Qaeda operatives a bit of a character flaw. Definitely worth a see though!

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