Curiouser & curiouser...

By turningbull

The Devils in the Details

Our new reactor/chiller combo set up at work.

Grant and Phil. Definitely a reactive combination - geddit? (ho ho ho)

Wonder how Bertha (and her Berthlings), Bubbles and Flo are going to take the new arrivals.

On a different note, my Italian class will be cancelled if we can't find two more people to sign up. It's post-beginners (but pretty much suitable for beginners, especially if you've ever studied French), on Wednesday evenings between 7-9 at Drummond Community High at the bottom of Broughton St. and is £47 for 10 x 2h classes (much better than the Italian institute or any other classes I looked at). Come along! (It's taken by a real Italian too!)

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