Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Fly away Home

I woke to a dull morning today, which I thought fitted the first day of our 3 week lock down rather well. It cheered up by lunch time though and I spent several hours in the garden again. I'm not very good at in between gardening, I tend to have an all out blitz in the Spring and the Autumn and then Potter about in between, but I didn't manage the Autumn one last year so it was really in a mess. I was very pleased to see the first, rather photogenic, 7 spot ladybird of the year. Hopefully lots of her friends will move in too and take care of our aphids - which I fear probably aren't far behind. I wonder if they are susceptible to the virus, the aphids I mean not the ladybirds? That would be too good to be true.
I've now done over half of the back garden beds and the rose bed in the front, so I'm pleased about that. I wonder if I'll be able to get any bedding plants though? I guess so as the producers will have them all on their way already.

Our neighbour got a Spanish rescue dog last year, which was very kind of her, but it's very big and loud and gets very cross with me whenever I go into our garden. I do hope it settles down a bit or it is going to get very wearing. I think part of the problem may be that it can't see me, just hear me.

We went for our regular 1.5 mile constitutional before dinner. Not so many people about and all keeping a distance. Some of the younger.... mid to late teens I guess, looked particularly worried as we passed them.

I think we're going to have to get used to being thought of as older people. One of Ali's friends phoned her today to say that he was out and about in a van most days so would be happy to help us if we needed anything. Really kind of him to have thought of us, but she does have nice friends. I'm not sure if I'd have been as thoughtful at his age. I guess when your children are in their 30's, they are now the adults and we are the older generation though. I feel more like Catherine Tate at times though, rather than a sweet old lady!! My swear words are not quite as ripe......YET!

We seem to be eating well in spite of the difficulties, long may that last. I suppose that is one of the advantages of being the sort of person who always keeps a spare so that I don't run out.

This is my 1910th blip, in 90 days it will be my 2000th. Hopefully we'll be well on the way through this and out the other side by then. All things will pass.

Keep safe everybody, we can do this.

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