Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Daft cat

Cleo is trying to pretend I haven't noticed her climbing to her favourite perch on top of my clean sheets in the linen cupboard, but I had! They were all neatly folded till she started scrabbling at them... honest! Two minutes later there were some very unhappy cat noises as I lifted her down and shut the cupboard. She can be impossible to find at times, so I was glad I'd spotted her before she disappeared.

Today I got another section of the back flowerbed dug over and weeded. It's all starting to look like a tended garden again thank goodness.
Ali brought me a chicken today, I hadn't found any in any of the shops for the last two weeks and was craving roast chicken so I was very happy. She left it outside the back door on the roof of my car and insisted I wore gloves to pick it up then washed it and its packaging before putting it in the fridge. I did

I drove out briefly this afternoon, keeping away from people when I was out of the car, and wearing my gloves. I saw that Morrisons had petrol at 107p, oil prices have dropped dramatically but I don't think I've seen it happen at the pump so quickly before. Next thing I noticed was McDonald's, where the drive through was still open till tonight, there was a queue of cars out of the gate and down the main road. Extraordinary, clearly people wanted a 'last supper' before they closed for the duration.

I'm very proud of both of my girls. Katy, as she carries on her work as a doctor in a very different atmosphere and Ali who has volunteered to teach those children who are the children of essential workers. She doesn't know where yet. I'm just praying they will both be OK.

I was very cold this evening, don't really know why. We watched half of an old episode of Vera. We're only on series 5 so plenty still to go.

So our full lockdown has arrived although we started last week. We are allowed out to shop, as little as possible, for an hour's exercise each day, to do caring duties and in emergency. All we can do now is pray that the measures have been enough to keep us and our loved ones safe. It's hard though when they are there on the front line.

Keep safe everybody

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