My Best Efforts - Year 3


Pied Wagtail.........

..............seen in the doctor's carpark. Whilst sitting in the car, warming it up for one of my "ladies" who had a doctor's
appointment, I spied 4 of these little fellows pecking away at the grit which had been spread on the paths etc. I tried to get the 4 together but they stayed well apart. Quite a distance away and difficult to see on the grey surface until they moved They are pretty little birds and always make me smile, the way they dip and bob and flick their tails. Really jolly little characters. They are already on the BlipBig Year list.

Weather raw and a cold wind - temp up to +3 deg but now at 19.00 hrs has dropped to -1deg - snow forecast.

Weekend is almost upon us so have a good one everybody.

Update - 22.30/Friday and it has started snowing again!!

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