My Best Efforts - Year 3


A day late ......

........ sorry!

Anni aka BikerBear here reporting for Alma.

Firstly thank you for all the messages you are sending, all the well-wishes and all the positiveness coming our way.

After the frustrating news this week - we may have a glimmer of hope (only a very small glimmer, mind you - maybe it should be called a "glim") .....

After some strongish words from both of us Mum was taken down for an ultrasound late on Friday evening ...... they have finally taken notice of her telling them she has this pain in her groin .... it would now seem that she has "excess fluid on her hip" .... no more explanation than that.

Dracula popped his head around the door about 10.30pm Friday night .... says they will not be draining it as:

"who knows what damage can be done when we start sticking needles in that area"

..... but no other options given yet. More frustration!!!

Obviously I hopped onto the internet and the closest things I can find (with similar symptoms) are bursitis and rheumatoid arthritis even though they don't mention this total numbness ...... anything else seems to mainly affect children and/or boys ..... we will have to see what Monday brings .... as it's the weekend they probably won't be doing anything other than

"if you have pain take a paracetomol, Mrs C" ............

You would have to laugh if it wasn't so annoying!!!!!

That is today's news ........

~ Anni ~

January 25th 2013 shot re-taken for 25th January 2014!

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