
By Cumbrialass


Growing on the windswept edge of the old dock, surrounded by brambles and rubble, against the odds these narcissi are growing.
Insert is of flowers found growing halfway up a stone wall. 
Both lots of flowers not in ideal situations but they are surviving.

I felt this was a suitable image for today!

The sun shone, ( mostly) and we went for a walk along the Red River..more of a beck really but a nice walk.
As we got to the start of the main walk it seemed quite busy but the folk were all coming towards us so we stood well  off the path to let them pass snd  soon we had the path to ourselves.  We took  our time and strolled .In the end we were out 2 hours .

The weather forecast is good for over a week..The sun does help lift the spirits. 

Take care everyone xx

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