Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Gym again this morning. And yes, my no-wipe friend was also there, amazingly enough, STILL not wiping equipment. He said he had a towel (which he didn’t have with him) - as if it would do any good. NO! I went and gave him a bunch of wipes while he was on the treadmill. What a complete idiot. There is talk of closing the gym soon, and indeed, JR is wondering if she should cancel her booked classes for this week.

A young lady next to me on the cross trainer asked me how I was doing for shopping etc, and offered to give me her phone number, as she lives locally. How sweet. I've stopped and talked to a few even older residents, asking how they are. It'll be very hard for some elderly folk if we have to self isolate for months, as is being mentioned.

I've rung Uncle A a couple of times - he's fine, and is able to pop out for groceries, having a shopping centre about ten minutes walk away (and a £4 taxi ride back). But perhaps he should get an online delivery set up - I’ve offered to go and help him set that up, several folk in his residence do this already.

Mary came to take Archie out this morning, and they had a long walk in the Hermitage. She arrived back at the same time as our afternoon visitor arrived, but I washed him - he was SO muddy today - while JR tended to drinks, nibbles and news with C.

A most pleasant afternoon was had, with several (double) gins and plenty of nibbles. Archie, once he had a big snooze on my lap (thereby restricting my nibble consumption as I couldn’t reach) was VERY interested in all the nice smelling cheese.

Our Kiwi friends are postponing their UK holiday, possibly till September-ish, but I think more likely next year.

Is it just me, or is 'Last Tango in Halifax' almost unwatchable now...

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