Looking back

When I retired people asked me what I was going to do. My stock answer was: spend 6 to 9 months tidying the house.

On current plans that will be a conservative estimate. The exercise has been compounded by my aunt’s death and the need to sort through her affairs. And the fact that tidying up means reviewing what you’ve got.

I am now tackling the 150 or so VHS tapes that I’ve stockpiled over the years. If I am to believe the postits on the covers most are of TV programmes and films I’ve recorded. But some contain videos of the children as babies. I don’t want to throw one of them out by accident. So a review process underway.

I’ve come across several tapes of our daughter to be viewed. But also 2 of our son: early days, chewing things, first Christmas, first birthday, first steps. We spent several hours watching Them with him looking at himself some 29 years ago - see extra.

All I had in my day were small black and white photos. An added bonus was seeing the now departed elderly relatives and parents in their younger years and hearing their voices. And also family and nephews and nieces, many now with their own children.

This tidying up exercise is going to take some time!

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