What a Sky!

It's been a very busy day at work today, Tuesdays usually are as it's Nik's main clinic day - his first patient arrived at 10am and then there were patients every hour with the last one arriving just as I was leaving at 5pm.

It's been a very mixed day of sunshine and showers, and when I left work and was driving home the sky looked amazing so I pulled over to take some photos and have added another to my extras.

I've had some exciting news today - when we drive to the South of France in the summer we're going to spend two nights in the Carmargue.  I've always wanted to go there to see the Carmargue horses, and would particularly like to do a photography day where the Guardians drive the horses through the sea towards you.  Unfortunately all the local photographers that I've found that offer a morning or afternoon of photography, don't have anything on the days that we're there.  However, we've found a 'Mas' which is a traditional Provencal farmhouse that has rooms and cottages to rent on the farm where they breed the horses and bulls, so we've booked to stay here.  I mentioned to Monique the owner that I had hoped to be able to join the photographer that she promotes on her website, anyway she's emailed me today and offered to take us in her 4 x 4 to photograph the horses.  I'm sure it won't be the same as doing a proper workshop but nevertheless, I'm very excited!

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