A beautiful morning

After taking Night Nurse last night, I struggled to get up this morning and could have carried on sleeping, but when the alarm went off for the second time, I remembered that I had a physio appointment at 8.45am, so had to rush to get ready.

It was a lovely, warm and sunny morning and the sea was really calm so I stopped on my way to work to take a couple of photos of the Palace Pier from Marine Parade.  These are the only photos I've taken today, so I know I'm not feeling well, I even turned down an offer to meet up with Amanda to take sunset shots tonight, I just wanted to get home.

At lunch time I walked to the beach to sit in the sun, but it took all my energy to walk there and back, and since getting home I've been asleep.  So I'll be having another early night with the faithful Night Nurse, but at least tomorrow morning I don't have to get up as I'm not in work until 2pm.  Fingers crossed it's just a 24 hour thing!

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