Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle


The day starts off with a nice blue sky. The forecast is dry so a bike ride out along the coast is planned for the morning. Not a long ride as partner wants to go to Ikea.

Heading east is fine. It wasn't that windy when I started, so I am hoping the wind doesn't get up while I am out. The first part of the ride is quite nice. Cool, but it is sunny. The plan is fine until I get to the turning point at Luffness. Ah well a stiff headwind back it is then.

The return leg is therefore a bit of a struggle. I keep my head down. Unfortunately I don't have time to stop to take a shot of the white horses that have appeared in the Firth of Forth. I'm glad to get to Musselburgh, the buildings offer some shelter from the wind, but it reappears on Milton Road East until I turn off on to the cycle path to Holyrood Park. Once back in Edinburgh, the wind isn't much of an issue until I get near home.

The ride can be seen at Relive here. (Has music)

A quick lunch when I get back as it is out to Ikea. We need something for the turntable and storage for records, shelves for the craft room and twin 1, as well as a a set of shelves for the kitchen. To keep thing secure from dust and a young cat, it would be nice to have some doors on the shelf. As twin1 isn't with us I take photo of options available.

Not sure about the climate crisis has made it presence felt yet. The car park is pretty full (Extra taken from the café). 

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