
By Madchickenwoman


Well I know we had a lot of rain but crocodiles coming out the sewers?!!!
A thoroughly wet and gusty day - only 2 short walks with Oscar and my bathroom looks like a Chinese laundry with all my wet clothing hanging everywhere! I used this expression to a woman I met whilst out who said her raincoat was wet from the previous day. As I walked on I realised with horror that I had probably used a term no longer acceptable. I googled it and whilst not implicitly racist it has all the connotations of being so. I spoke to my sister about the term and she said it reminded her of the film Thoroughly Modern Millie, which we both love. I wonder if that film would be acceptable viewing anymore given its stereotypes of the Chinese. 
I include a photo of the view up to Cotehele yesterday - the river had gone over the bank and flooded the field where cows graze in summer  and the carpark. Walking on down into the village the river was perilously close to brimming over there too - luckily the tide was on the turn. We were lucky with the tides today too and no flooding.

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