
By Snowyjones

Edoras, Rohan

Let’s go on a journey of imagination for here we are in Rohan, famed for its horses and brave riders. As we look over the valley floor can you see the capital city of Edoras? Can you imagine the wooden houses around the base with the townsfolk going about their daily lives and the enclosure up there on top, the royal house of Theodin? Yes? Then let’s go closer and wind our way upwards, through the gate, into the palace, along corridors to the Golden Hall of Meduseld. Oh, but what has become of King Theodin? No longer does he sit proudly upon his throne, for beside him is Wormtongue who has poisoned his mind and body with the dark forces of Saruman so that he can no longer recall his own kin.
And poor Eowyn; wandering the corridors alone, desperate in her desire for her uncle be restored to the man she once knew as she bravely withstands the lascivious stares of Wormtongue. But what is that we can hear? Visitors?The soft footfall from the hoofs of Shadowfax, the clatter of weapons as Gimli disarms. Can you see the hope in Eowyn’s eyes as the fellowship enter the hall and Gandalf banishes the forces of evil with his mighty staff? Her joy when Theodin utters the words ‘I know your face’ and the first budding of love in her eyes when they fall upon Aragorn? Can you feel the sorrow that will be hers, for you know, although she does not, that his heart belongs to another?

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