Hey Ho, Let's Go

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Caro bought herself a Ramones t-shirt especially for the move. I asked her if she was going to add #heyholetsgo to her Insta post.

"I hadn't thought of that!" she said, excited. 

Caro loves her Insta account. If you don't follow her, I'd recommend it. She is very funny. 

So this was how today started. Then LouLou came by to drive me and the cats up to the house. They were very good. There was a bit of meowing, but for the most part, we just talked. And it was a lovely chat. 

I asked LouLou how her new job (working for herself from home) was going. "Oh I'm LOVING being funemployed," she told me. 

She then went on to tell me about the last time she worked for herself. She took it too seriously, she told me. She became obsessed and miserable but felt she COULDN'T STOP. 

"It got to the stage where I was fantasising about being in a coma, so I could have a month off," she told me. 

It turns out that it was the death of our mutual friend TK which shook her out of it and made her reassess. I'm glad she got out of the spiral. She's just this happy, funny person. Caro gave her a box of gifts, special food treats she had picked out just for LouLou.

"Oh my god I LOVE it!" she said. "We only have a small place so I HATE getting THINGS. I much prefer to get things I can consume. Gifts I can poo out are always welcome."

So it was a fun trip and it went by quickly. When we got to the house, I put the boys in the spare room and tried to settle them, but they were obviously freaked. Punky squished himself in behind the hot water tank in a cupboard and Jasper hid in a tiny corner of the bathroom.

I did my best to calm them, but then the movers arrived, and that made it even worse. I looked in again at the boys and this time they were BOTH squished in behind the hot water tank. Punky looked pissed off that Jasper's bum was in his face.

Caro then arrived and directed the moving guys as to where she wanted all of our stuff. It all went pretty smoothly.

The only debacle we had is that we were supposed to get our whiteware delivered today. We were supposed to get:

A dryer - tick
A washer - tick, but it was damaged so he took it away again
A fridge - eh? Fridge? Fridge, you say? Nope. No fridge.

So while Caro was finishing up with the packing, I popped over to the local mall to find out when we could get the missing/damaged items redelivered. Tomorrow morning. 

This is bad and good. On the one hand, it means I have to take tomorrow morning off (Caro is supervising the cleaning of the old flat). But on the other hand this means I get to take tomorrow morning off.

The rest of the day was spent unpacking, and then in recovery. I got our telly up and running while Caro did the kitchen. She made the bed while I rearranged the boxes in the garage so we can get our washer in there.

We tried to watch telly after. But we were just too tired. Meanwhile Punky seemed to have bounced back incredibly well. He was running from room to room excitedly. You can tell when he is nervous, because it's one of the few times he meows. So he was like a little kitty version of a Geiger counter, as he approached new things, new windows, new rooms. 

"Meep. Meep. Meep. Meep. Meepmeepmeepmeepmeepmeeep!!!"

Jasper was more of a problem. He always turns grumpy and dickish when he's stressed, so he's been obsessing over the front door. Making sure no-one ELSE is coming in. And whenever he sees Punky he growls and hisses. 

It will pass. It will. I think we will be happy here. We turned out the lights and went to sleep last night. And it was so DARK. And so quiet. The only sounds you can hear are the distant hoooonks of a passing train. I like that.

So long as it was the hooooonk of a passing train. Bloody Caro. Now I have to open a window.


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