For the love of food

Today the young people turned up at Food Club in foul moods. They moaned about school, moaned about life and then moaned about what we were going to cook. But as soon as we got into the kitchen and got our hands busy, the mood had shifted. By the end of the evening they’d all tried something they hadn’t eaten before and enjoyed the meal they’d made. After that, and a few manic games, I hope they all left in a happier mood!

Then onto an evening with chef and food poverty campaigner, Jack Monroe. Wow. Hilarious, devastating, inspiring. It somehow made all the evenings of cooking with teenagers seem a bit more worth it. And my mum even bought a Vegan(ish) cookbook which, in all honesty is probably the highlight of the entire thing!

(naturewatcher : sorry I didn’t get to say hi properly!)

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