The day has arrived

I ordered a whole load of SYFC clothing for the team, particularly for Becci who needs to be a bit more visible in college since she doesn’t have a dog-collar like some of the other chaplains. Much excitement ensued apart from poor Ellie who was stuck at home with the lurgy.

This afternoon I had lunch and my first coaching / mentoring session with Rev. Charlotte. I was looking for somebody who wouldn’t be a ‘yes’ person and would ask me difficult questions and encourage growth in me. I think she’s the right person for the job, but I found it quite hard because deep questioning can leave you feeling quite exposed and vulnerable.

I then got over excited in greeting my new neighbour and her mother. I never forget a face but I often forget context and so I swore I knew her mother from church and was questioning her all about that. In hindsight I think she probably just works at M&S. I’m delighted because my new neighbour is a slightly older lady and doesn’t strike me as the type to throw wild parties. Fingers crossed.

Walked round to RSH with mum for her last treatment today. What a hero she is. What a blessing our beloved NHS is.

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