
A beautiful morning so after a tasty breakfast of eggs Benedict we went to Loch Morlich to see the sled racing. We found a parking space and walked along the sand next to the Loch and through the forest next to the river.
We could hear the dogs barking excitedly. Dogs of all sizes could be seen but it was mainly Husky’s that would be running.
We found a good spot at the end of the race and saw several teams hurtle past with the dogs tails hanging out and the mushers shouting orders.
Still lovely so went up the Cairngorm and parked in the Sugar Bowl carpark hoping to go for a walk.We started it and came to a steep section with big rocky steps going down and unfortunately my knees would not be able to make it so we went to the mountain carpark and watched the snow buntings that always hang out near the picnic benches.
Back down to the Glenmore Forest carpark where we saw this squirrel. He’s watching the mallard ducks below who were picking up the crumbs he was dropping.A quick walk and it was starting to feel very cold with snow forecast.We drove down to Loch Insh to see the sunset and then back to the hotel for a very nice meal. We had haggis bonbons and game terrine for starter and then a steak and just managed to eat a creme brûlée’s for pudding.
We sat near the open fire afterwards :)

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