
By Madchickenwoman


I took Oscar for his main walk in the afternoon once the rain had stopped! The path at one point through the woods was a quagmire! I tried to walk in the footprints to prevent sinking into the mud! I took the route that leads down to the boatyard and walked along the river where I bumped into two friends of a friend who lives in York! I met them a few times when we both worked in London and now both of them live in a village outside Plymouth! They took my and Oscars photo to send to her saying look who we bumped into! As I walked back up into the woods I bumped into Nellie of The Woods! So we had a little chat! As I came out of the woods near my house I bumped into the BBC Man who said come in and have a cup of tea and collect the tea towel I'd wrapped a sourbread in for them before Xmas! Oscar was delighted as he got to race after and be chased by their cockapoo! As I left I then bumped into The Potter and her son-in-law with their 2 dogs! They are living with her having just moved back from Kuala Lumpur - the dog and the S-I-l are Malaysian - they both seem to be coping with the British weather! I offered them a singing dog in a yellow sou'wester for the 1 year old son/grandson which non-plussed the S-I-L till she explained! I told her I'd been sorting thru my school resources to move them upstairs to make way for kitchen stuff. I  had all type of singing animals including a dinosaur! That made the S-I-L smile so a singing dinosaur will soon be moving in!
Finally home after 2 and a half hours out - Oscar slept for the rest of the evening!
There were snowdrops all the way on my walk hence the blip!

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