
By Madchickenwoman


My meditation room is finished! I've used it several times over the weekend and just love it! The brick wall is drying out but even once dry I'm keeping them exposed as I like how it shows the age of the house. I just love the arched bricks at the top of the window and how he has curved the beam to expose as much of it as possible. I also like my candle holes - we chose other bricks to pull out to add more spaces for candles after the initial bricks fell out! The floor came up so much better than I anticipated - they were just bare boards with lots of gaps before! Finally my hen and china clay wave are hung and can be fully appreciated! My other pottery hen has moved up from the kitchen too and can enjoy an open view! 
I'm thinking my kitchen once done is going to be pretty special going on what he has done to this room! Only a week to go! 

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