
So many plants flowering already! Feels like Spring!!
I had an unplanned sociable day. I dropped 2 skirts at the Make New and Mend shop in the village and had a lovely chat with the owner. She spoke about " self-sabotage" which really resonated with me. How you have to make that initial push to do things you enjoy and are good for you, but go undone unless you push! Bumped into an ex coop member on the village playing field. Discovered she has been taking tablets for depression and anxiety  since her divorce 8 years ago. Amazing what you find out when you are open about your own issues. She said she feared coming off them incase she slid back. Just confirmed my attitude to medication - although a life line for those who need help, they do not alone give you the skills and strategies to deal with how you feel. I'm still learning how to do that! On arriving home Nellie of The Woods called by. They enjoyed Naples but both were so pleased to be back in the woods!  Finally on my eve walk I bumped into The exile and Ginger, and we then bumped into the Architect with her dog Teddy. She's a lively spaniel who runs like the wind - Oscar loves chasing after her, never catches her! We spoke of brexit and The Architect was surprisingly positive, believing it will work out even if it's a no Brexit. The Exile and I were not so convinced!  After a cup of tea at The Exiles home for a quiet eve infront of the fire!Bliss!

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