A Date for Today

At last I have found a scone to beat the cranberry and walnut one so favoured at Coltman’s in Peebles. This Söderberg one, featured today, is a date, walnut and chocolate monstrosity. It served as my breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea, although I’ll probably manage the left over haggis and turnip mash from yesterday for supper.

Apart from the activity of eating, which I have to say is the most enjoyable thing available to me, I put in some cardiovascular effort in the land of sweaty blokes and a lot of effort reading all the sections of yesterday’s Guardian. I have been told by my children to broaden my perspective on current affairs, and politics in particular although I think the Nationalist paper might be a step too far.

I also managed a quick cycle on my Brompton to visit daughter #2. I’m slowly getting the hang of the small wheels and funny gears.

And so another weekend has been notched up without resident company. This living on your own lark takes quite a lot of effort .......

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