A Peek into a Bygone Age

The last Saturday in January? Why, it must be the FP coffee morning in the Merchants’ Hall in Hanover Street.
My year at school being consistently and conspicuously absent, I have allied myself to the year above and sit with them. It’s somewhat disconcerting to see bits dropping off their persons every year and the appearance of sticks and hearing aids being used. It gets harder to remember their teenage faces, but we were aided today by photos from the archives of the last 50 years shown in a loop on a screen.

I had fully intended to blip the fancy interior of the Merchants’ Hall, but in the excitement of catching up with the chat, I forgot, so am blipping one of the relevant photos for blip consumption. I can hardly believe one of those fresh young ladies is I. It is interesting to note that there were none of the flowing locks so favoured by today’s young Merchant Maidens; we all favoured short hair.

With the afternoon turning wet and dreich, it was shaping up to be long and bleak, so I forced myself out for a walk. Just when I started feeling a teeny bit sorry for myself being alone in coupledom , I got a phone call from JoppaStrand and Tiggy who were in my neck of the woods and suggesting meeting for a coffee. They saved the day and we had a delightful get together. Thank you both for turning my afternoon around!

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