Chacun à Son Gout

With a car at her disposal, Porty daughter and I went on safari to Peebles today to monitor the scone situation in Coltman’s and gather energy to trawl through all the charity shops on the High Street. Finding any garment of suitability in a charity shop is a skill which has passed me by, but it is interesting to see it in action with my daughter. I came away with the book ‘A Street Cat named Bob’ while she garnered a warm padded coat and a jumper.

After the excitement of the chase we had a peaceful stroll along the river and saw these two fishermen up to their waists in the icy water. We agreed that while we felt it was madness to enjoy standing in cold water with every chance of not catching anything, they probably cannot see the attraction of spending an hour searching through charity shops and finding nothing.

Home to a Burn’s supper for two of veggie haggis (so much nicer than the original one ), turnip and potato mash. Now with Porty daughter on her way home, it’s time for putting my feet up and reading the papers.

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