jeni and the beans

By themessymama


The boys woke up this morning to find their daddy in bed! Bear was very pleased about this and went and sat on his head and bounced :) Bean joined in and sat on his tummy!

Breakfast took forever and almost merged into lunch, and then there was a mad fifteen minutes where mum and dad tried to get out of the house to go to some travel show: they are planning their next long-distance walking holiday. It didn't help that mum was still getting the casserole in the oven as she was supposed to be walking out of the door!! We were all glad she did though...

We were off to see sweet_dusty_bones again after lunch. I'd asked her if she'd take some proper babywearing pictures of me before we headed back south again. We went off out to her favourite field and chatted and posed and hid in the long grass and chatted some more and froze and stomped and bundled back to her house for hot drinks and more chatting - I love SDB a lot, and wish we lived closer together so this holiday has been quite special, to have seen her not just once but four times!

Bear has continued his love of climbing into things: today he has climbed into buckets and bins, the lego tubs, and everything possible including forts and playhouses at SDB's house!

Home for tea, eventually warmed up, had a surprise visit from Clive (an old family friend) which unfortunately was cut short - we may see him again before we set off on Saturday though, and off to bed for a snuggle with my hubby :)

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