11/31 Something Blue

And, two very tired little boys.

Ben fell asleep on the sofa this evening, watching that stargazing programme. One moment he was talking to his daddy about stars, the next he was not. I came in to tell Steve to take Ben up to bed ... to find Ben slumped, asleep!! Steve asked him if he wanted to get his pyjamas on or if he just wanted to lie down, and he opted for "just lie down" so I have ended up with two sleeping boys in the living room and their daddy in the bath - hopefully notasleep!

Ben's friend Rosie is coming for lunch tomorrow so I'm trying to tidy up a little - done the front room, the middle room isn't too much, the dishes are done, all that remains is the kitchen table. Which is, by anyone's standards, an utter state!! And Charley is awake so there's no tidying happening at the moment. I think I know how to idy the table, I just need Steve to come and cuddle Charley while I attack it. The only time it ever gets tidied is if we are expecting visitors who will be eating with us. Although I might just make a picnic and put rugs out in the living room!

Busy day today. Up late (9.30am!!) and amazingly all dressed and fed (ish) and out of the house just after 10am, Ben riding his bike, Charley in the moby, off we went to tots. Ben hooked up with Ede and Rosie and the three of them put ideas into all the other big tots and headed up the general charge around the hall on whatever form of transport took their fancy: ride-on toys, walkers, trolleys (one little girl was using hers as a scooter!)... At least they burned off a little energy! Rode home again and went over the railway bridge so Ben could wave at a train (who honked and waved in return which was lovely). Then took far too long over lunch.

I had promised to make Ben a spaceship out of some cardboard so we created a fabulous one with lots of imagination - and I then learnt a very important lesson. I may have built the spaceship, but it very much belonged to Ben. He demonstrated this by destroying it within ten minutes, by climbing up the outside walls. I was sad. But, he did then ask me to re-build it so he could eat his crisps in it! So we did, and we were both happy :D

By the time we'd eaten Charley was ready to wake up for his lunch so I fed him and watched the bus we should have been on go past the house. Ah well. Another 20 minutes. It's amazing that 20 minutes can feel such a long time standing at the bus stop, but go by so quickly when you're trying to get everyone ready to leave the house again. We missed another bus.

But we made it out to the MILK! group again, and it was nice to be able to give Ben a milky cuddle without anyone giving us an odd look :) Charley got his tongue looked at again, and it was brilliant to overhear the health visitor giving such great (in my opinion!) advice to a new mum who had come, exhausted, with her 3 week old, for help and support.

Waiting for the bus home afterwards, seeing it approaching in the distance, and Ben pipes up "ineedawee"....... What do you do?! Miss another bus for a wee that may or may not actually be desperate, and have to wait another 20 minutes, or hope he can hold it in until we get home?! I think I was dsft to see if he could hold it in but he wasn't even fidgetting on the bus and we did indeed make it home incident free.

Not quite sure how this evening is going to end. I suspect some tears getting Ben ready for bed when he wakes up....

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