
It has been a day of the usual dog walks and another incident of Merlin rolling in something horrid.  So again he had to be washed in the garden.  He looked very sorry for himself as the bowl of (warm) water was poured over him but he took it all with good grace. Once inside and dried off he was a happy chap again, running around with this toys.  The morning continued with chores - cleaning and washing mainly.  

By the afternoon the sun had come out and I couldn't bear to be inside as we don't have much sun forecast this coming week.  So I had a few hours at my allotment. Today I was spreading manure on to beds and digging into the old neglected compost area which is full of nettles and an assortment of things which have been dumped in it over the years - netting, pots, a knife, several long bolts, matting......

This was the view from the house as we returned from the afternoon dog walk.  Life feels so much more satisfying being free to be outside and be more active compared to when I am at work (and stuck behind a desk).  Monday looms but I am trying to psychologically prepare myself for it and to figure out a way to get a walk in before I start work each day.

Wishing you a happy Friday evening.

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