Mermaid Of Zennor

This will be my first Blip of a New Years Day Tour organised by Samantha and Joshua part of which was a visit to the village of Zennor. The village huddles around the medieval church and in the church, carved on the end of one of the wooden pews, is a strange figure of a mermaid. Depicted with long flowing hair, holding a mirror in one hand and a comb in the other is the Mermaid Of Zennor. The pew and carving are thought to be over 400 years old.

According to the version of the tale in the church Morveren was drawn to the church by Mathew's beautiful voice and would dress as a human and listen at the back of the church. Every night at evensong the mermaid would come to hear him until one night as Mathew sang a particularly lovely verse Morveren let out a tiny sigh.
Although it was as quiet as a whisper Mathew stopped and turned - Morveren's eyes were shining, and the net had slipped from her head and her hair was wet and gleaming - It was love at first sight.
The mermaid was frightened and made her way back to the sea with Mathew (and a fair few of the townsfolk) in pursuit. In her haste to get back to the sea Morveren became tangled in her dress and tripped. Mathew now saw the tip of her fish tail poking out from beneath the dress.
"I cannot stay. I am a sea creature, and must go back where I belong."
But it didn't matter to him.
"Then I will go with ye. For with ye is where I belong."
With that Mathew picked up Morveren and ran into the sea never to be seen by the folk of Zennor again. However that doesn't mean they never heard him again.
He would sing soft and high if the day was to be fair, deep and low if Llyr was going to make the seas rough. From his songs, the fishermen of Zennor knew when it was safe to put to sea, and when it was wise to anchor snug at home.

Very atmospheric church and graveyard and part of a great day out.

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