The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Red sky

Another quick walk over the Knott with Gus before Wifie took him to Ulverston with her. There was a fabulous red sky dawn, but not much time to stop and click. A shepherd's warning, though not of foul weather ahead as it happened.

A warning of a frustrating travel day. My train connection in Lancaster was delayed by nearly an hour due to a points failure at Shap. This meant I was late for my meeting in Warrington. Then the meeting overran by 40 minutes (and not because of my lateness), so I missed my train home. So I arrived home more than an hour later than I had hoped, long after the hoped for Arnside sunset.

But to finish on a positive note. Winterwatch is on now, with brilliant coverage of the beaver family. Then Africa is on, tonight featuring the Congo.

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