Sum total

As you will have gathered from yesterday's post, there was more stuff of Izzy's to collect from my brother's than I had anticipated and I realised as we were driving north that there was no way that everything was going to fit into my attic and that, even if there had been room, I didn't really fancy the job of shifting everything up there. 

I said this to the Minx and we decided that the best option appeared to be to simply put it all into storage so, once we'd arrived at that conclusion, the Minx had a quick Google about and then booked us some space at a self-storage facility just outside of Chorley.

After this morning's run, we drove down to Adlington and while the Minx sorted the paperwork, I took everything out of the car and put it onto a trolley. Funny to think that, with the exception of what fits in her suitcase, this is the sum total of Izzy's worldly possessions. 

-10.6 kgs
Reading: 'Frank Derrick's Holiday Of A Lifetime' by J B Morrison

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