11 Dayz

There are few downsides to being part of the Pearson diaspora but one of them is the arrangement of logistics when it comes to Christmas. My brother and his family routinely go to Spain and my folks usually go out there, too, which has worked fine for years but this year we didn't have our 'Fauxliz Navidad' at the start of December, which is the best opportunity for swapping presents. 

Anyway, to cut a long (and boring) story short, this morning the Minx and I left Bedford after breakfast and went to see my folks in Worcester Park: coffee was drunk, the topic of Brexit was avoided*, and presents were exchanged.

After that we ventured through the intolerable yet standard south London, Saturday morning traffic to Wimbledon to swap Christmas presents for my brother's family for a load of stuff that my third daughter, Izzy, left in his loft when she went to work in South Sudan. 

I have to say I was pretty daunted when I first clapped eyes on how much there was to be loaded into my car but my three dimensional Tetris skills were on point and we got everything in AND managed to leave a shallow, narrow tunnel for the rear view mirror. Then we set off back to Chorley.

We didn't get back until around six so my options were a swim, which I needed, or dinner at La Rocca with the Minx and miniMInx. Well, there will be other swims. The restaurant had a light box up to remind me that I am behind with my present buying.

*To be fair to my mum, it's only my dad who is pro-Brexit.

No scales
Reading: 'Frank Derrick's Holiday Of A Lifetime' by J B Morrison

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