Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Libby popped around for a surprise visit, just for a cuppa, so I didn’t tell Archie. What a welcome she got! She didn’t even get her jacket off before he suffocated her with his beardy kisses. She came to tell us how her exam went yesterday before she caught the train home for the holidays. (Yes! we were watching Politics Live with the sound off...)

JR had her two gym sessions with a new instructor, and he did too many burpees! Sounds like torture. I did my meagre attempts on the coffee table. 

We were having a few pals around tonight, so JR was in full-on organising mode. I took Archie up the hill, and we had a great time. It was mild and still, and we met, oh - it must have been over 20 dogs all at once (I couldn’t count them they kept running around) - three different dog walkers with their charges all standing chatting. It would have made a great photo! Did I have my camera? For the first time ever, I forgot it. DUH!

Home to help in the kitchen/production line. I'm useful for assembling things on toothpicks when I’m shown how the first one should look. And I’m in charge of the subdued Christmas music (NO Slade! Or Donny Osmond. Or Maria Carey...) to start with, then a selection of classics.

A fun evening, great chat and nibbles, and plenty of fizz. Music selection perfect, and not too loud (except when my favourites came on...) I do love my dishwasher!

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