Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Pretzel came for the last day - her mum has finished her stint at the school. We're quite sad - we'll miss her wee cheery face.

JR went off to the supermarket as soon as she finished her gym session. I'm so lucky to have a live-in social secretary who organises all my social life. I busied myself with Christmas cards, although increasingly - newsy Festive emails instead, which are quite effective, because I got two equally newsy emails back straight away from cousins.

We took a walk round the area, not wanting to take Pretzel up the hill, but she doesn’t seem to be limping now. She loves going for walks and sniffs and piddles and takes her time almost as much as Archie. 

I then went down for my physio appointment, and boy! she hurt me. She pressed her thumb in one spot on my rump and I did let out a few yells. She didn’t stop, but told me to hang on... I worried about her neighbours, but she said they were used to screams... She gave me a vigorous massage in my lower back area, then pressed that really sore place again - and it wasn’t sore! I THINK that's a good thing. I do feel confident in what she's doing. She gave me a new exercise to do while on the coffee table, and it's Very Hard. I told her I was aiming to be more mobile by next summer, and she thought that was an achievable target...

Back home to say cheerio to Pretzel. She's such a wee sweetie. We then popped down to visit Rufus and his mum. She needed our help. She had bought a blue bottle of wine, but she just wanted the bottle, so needed help to use up the wine. We were happy to oblige. But she then brought out another bottle. And delicious nibbles, including tiny brussel sprouts wrapped in crispy bacon which were yummy. Archie busied himself by poking in all the wrapped parcels under the tree, (Extra) and yes, he found all the doggie ones, which had to be removed to another room before he could settle.

A special little visitor tomorrow...

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