
We woke to find the warning sign outside the back door.
There were two women sweeping up the leaves that had been brought down by the winds - and three men climbing the coconut palms, cutting off the old fronds, seed pods and ripe coconuts ….. can't have them falling on the guests.

After breakfast we went for a walk up to the end of the island (the nice end). To keep it clean we picked up a collection of bottles and plastic which we carried in a woven plastic sack which was the first thing I picked up.
People are disgusting.
Apart from the bag and maybe one bottle, everything else was discarded by the guests (some of the plastic water bottles were stuffed into the sand crabs' burrows). The tables outside the beach bar are surrounded by dropped fag ends despite there being ashtrays on all the tables.
When you hand staff rubbish you have picked up, they are delighted. Can you imagine what the reaction would be at home if you picked up the litter in the street and tried handing it to a shopkeeper for disposal?

Crows are noisy, argumentative birds wherever you go in the world. One of the ladies returned to pick up the last of the debris from the palm trimming operation and there is a crow sitting in a tree shouting at her simply because she is clearing up before he gets the chance to go through it.

Winston Churchill said it best …….. "We shall fight them on the beaches...…".
When we came back from lunch all set to have a lie in the shade, our sun loungers (great big wooden things) were missing. The drag marks went out past the tree line to the beach. "Excuse me - those are ours from chalet 138 …….. up there". "Oh really! Do you want one?" "No mate - I want both of them!"
Bloody Germans - now no longer try claiming a spot with their towels - now they just try stealing them instead.
Every chalet has two chairs and two loungers so obviously they don't like there bit of beach so they came to ours, stole a couple of loungers and set up camp.
They were repelled.

Spent ages in the sea chatting to Bridget the Londoner. She is a remarkable woman.

I went to the end of the island for sunset - it was a good one ……. and brought back more discarded rubbish.
Having failed to get a decent shot of the shark feeding the other night I put in a fresh memory card (having filled the other one with the sunset) and slapped on the more powerful and controllable external flash and headed off for tonight's spectacular.
The camera refused to recognise that there was a card in it.
After diner I put my other spare card into the camera …. It worked!
Thank God for that.
Back to the feeding frenzy tomorrow night I think.

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