Charlotte's little book

No this isn't the one that the Bronte Society managed to acquire at auction last month, but it is one that is in the Parsonage Museum where I visited today.

A beautiful day, with blue skies and sunshine. We had obviously chosen a good day to go to Yorkshire and it always feels like coming home when I see the moors above Haworth. We had coffee at the house of a friend who lives in Haworth and then they dropped me off at the Parsonage whilst Gordon and he went walking. 

I have been to the Parsonage each year recently, as they have focused on celebrating the centenary of one of the family. This year it has been Patrick Brontë, the father of them all. There was an exhibition for him, but I was more taken with wandering the house with very few other people about and with at long last being able to take photographs (a recent policy change)

This is one of the four little books, written by Charlotte in her teens, that the  Parsonage Museum holds. Last month they were successful in buying the fifth, and the last surviving, book. There was a big fund-raising campaign to which many notable people contributed. I was talking to one of the volunteers at the museum and she told me about the day of the auction when everyone was watching via a video link and cheered when  they realised they had been successful. (The books are 3.5cm by 6cm).

I wandered outside and through the graveyard and in the church. Then we all went for lunch at The Grouse and we drove home, via the wonderful Cheese Shop near Settle. A super day. 

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