Best of the day (Day 1676)

When I woke this morning I could hear the wind roaring and heavy rain battering the windows. It was still dark and I didn't think the woofers would mind if their morning wander was a little delayed. As the sounds of the rain eased off a bit later, I got myself organised and took the woofers up the hill. The sky was still tinged pink in places, and the clouds were worth a quick phone shot. The heavens opened as I got home.
The plan for the morning was to get the horses in out of the rain for a little while, so  my beautiful wife  and I made our way across to the yard, dropping the dogs off with Mum and Dad along the way. The weather was horrible on the drive through, and the horses seemed to be pleased to be inside for a while. George was especially pleased to get a few carrots before being turned out again.
We had lunch on the run before collecting the woofers and Evie the wonderdog for a wander at the reservoir in Stromness. We were lucky and didn't get rained on, but I reckon I had the best of the day out with the dogs this morning.

Thanks everyone for the comments, stars and faves for yesterday's milestone blip.

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