rhiannon's journal

By rhiannon

today's groceries

today was a very painful monday! uggh! had a meeting which wound me up, mainly due to people not taking on minute tasks to get the job done, but instead lecturing us a lot on the politics why they can't do that so they can get their own way and use their own products to help them look like they know what they are doing, which incidentally, they don't!!! it made me question lots of things about why i have decided to work where i do for so long and i wondered if there are workplaces that don't involve politics as i have never worked in one.
thankfully college was highly entertaining and pretty hilarious! i am so lucky i have met wayne - it's not often you meet people who can make light of any situation, especially when they are going through such a hard time themselves.
i remembered that going shopping when starving hungry was bad and purchased most of the supermarket - i told myself it was due to my attempts at being healthy...which reminds me, i must go and rinse my sprouting seeds! arrff! :-)

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