Mr B should have been home tonight, but was scuppered by the strike.
However, in good news, I have been vindicated that spelk is a word! (That will only mean something to me, but that's enough.)
Once work was out of the way, there was much food prep today for tomorrow night's proper dinner party (normally we just have easy food with our friends, but I thought since I'm working less now I'd have time to do something proper cheffy). Discovering at 10.30 tonight that Mr B will in fact be leaving London at 5pm tomorrow, not arriving here then, has postponed Saturday night's dinner to Sunday lunch. Which, of course, gives me longer to sort out my demi-glace (never made that from scratch before) and has given me time to spend the evening on blip instead. So, all good.
Once CarbBoy was back from judo, an excellent chat about law. He is doing (in French) a defence of Claude Gueux (Hugo character) so there was lots of chat about self-defence, and me dragging up all the old actus reus/mens rea stuff I haven't thought about for 30 years! Next week CarbBoy is my intern. We shall have much fun.
Might just take Philip Pullman to bed now, iyswim.
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