Cruel bush
I sent the kids out to gather greenery this afternoon to make the Christmas wreath for the door. TallGirl brought back a bunch of this lethal stuff - the leaves are super spiky. The berries though are very strange and seem to grow out of tiny bumps on the bottom of the leaves. Very odd.
The gardener/electrician team were here, so there was much advancing of work - some of it was even right (the electricity stuff, thankfully) but the new path (another one) is in the wrong place.
This morning I headed into Castres to sort out the second bit of admin on making one of the cars French - you need a quitus fiscal that proves there's no VAT to pay or you've paid it. Last time this was a bit of a pain and involved a long wait, but they have a new super-speedy system and it was done and dusted in ten minutes. On the way home, buoyed by my mastery of French bureaucracy, I stopped in at a lighting shop and bought more lights (for the electrician to fit this afternoon).
At home, a letter awaited to show that French bureaucracy has many further tests to pose me... (Seriously: it's almost like they don't want my business to pay tax.)
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