Plus ça change...

By SooB

Nameless duck

This is the duck purchased yesterday, pulled out of my blipbank as today’s photos otherwise are the interior of a car I’m trying to sell. The duck needs a name. TallGirl suggested something Bulgarian, as the tastiest duck breasts we buy here are from Bulgaria, but that seems in poor taste to me. Our other duck, if it inspires you, is called Colin for a reason to do with fish that made perfect sense at the time.

Mostly working today, with various breaks to pick up kids (none of CarbBoy’s teachers were working past 10am and no-one knows why). More protests at TallGirl’s school but, having been bawled out by their parents for skipping class, the students (and teachers) were only protesting during breaks and free periods. No flaming cars or petrol bombs in our genteel little town, thank goodness. The student protests in Toulouse were so bad that public transport was suspended and the sale of petrol in Jerry cans has been banned. Crazy times.

Later, the car rear windscreen was finally replaced so, after handing over a king’s ransom, I can now see behind me again.

Long chat with Mam tonight. My to-do list for tomorrow somehow seems longer than today’s. But I think I may have another new client, which is obviously good and bad.... Life feels like that nightmare where you keep running, but somehow go backwards. But mostly good really. I will get caught up eventually.

So: put your bids in for the naming of the duck. Winner wins a smug sense of their own fabulous creativeness.

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