Assemble in the Drawing Room

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Today was rainy and windy. The perfect day for MURDER.

I took Caro to see Knives Out, which we had been looking forward to for ages. When we got to the cinema it was THRONGED. Almost as bad as it was for Endgame. We were relieved to find it was not for our film but for "Frozen II". Small children milled about wearing Disney Princess costumes and giving each other the bash with balloons.

"I'm glad I'm not here to see, 'Frozen'," I said to the harried looking ticket attendant. 
"SO over it," she muttered. And then went back to looking harried. 

"Knives Out" is terrific fun. Definitely not the best murder mystery I have ever seen*, but very funny and everyone involved looks like they are are having a whale of a time. Toni Collette is basically playing the part of Gwyneth Paltrow and she's very funny.

In fact, here's a faux advert Toni Collette made for her Goop-like product "Flam". It is not in the movie, so you're not spoiling anything.

The only downside is that there's not enough of these people in the film. I think it could have done to be an hour longer so we could have had more from slimy Don Johnson or more of snarky Jamie Lee Curtis.

Still, me and Caro enjoyed it a lot, as did the rest of the audience. There was even a little ripple of applause at the end. These Kiwis, so effusive.

Now we are home again, and in the mood for more murder. Let us see what treasures the hard drive and 14 years of piracy can yield.


* The Last of Sheila

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