Aircon On

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Such a lazy day in the house today. And such beautiful weather outdoors. Today is the first day it has felt really hot. Fortunately, we now have an air-conditioning unit!

It is very exciting. Caro turned it on and I felt an urge to strip NUDE and stand in front of it. Fortunately for the neighbours, I suppressed this urge. Also fortunate for me, because it really works and I would undoubtedly would have shrivelled in the cool blast.

Since Caro is enjoying "American Horror Story" I decided to try an experiment and put on "Happy Death Day". She enjoyed it! A whole new world of slightly-scary films has opened! This is very exciting!

Possibly TOO exciting. Caro is now fast asleep, having a big old nana nap. Must be careful not to push her too hard.

Still, I've already pencilled in "Happy Death Day 2U" for next week.


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