Phart Gallery

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

It is 6.43 am. I am currently lying in G-Man and OrkneyCaro's back room. Cazza is snoozling quietly next to me and the rain is pit-patting on their deck outside.

If I have not yet said so, the house we are staying in is absolutely lovely. High ceilings, lots of period features, lovely wood ceilings with patterned wood all around the light fittings, an olde decorative window in their bedroom and a big old fireplace.

If Bokhara were a Kiwi, this is where he would live.

Their house is definitely a reflection of who they are. There are pictures, posters and photos everywhere. A big bookshelf filled with literature and knick-knacks. Come to think of it, it reminds me a bit of Auslaender's office as well. 

There's a big deck outside where we had a barbecue last night while their stereo played Violent Femmes, The Flaming Lips and Velvet Underground.

Yesterday was a lot of fun. We spent the entire day with the pair and they drove us around Nelson. It is a lovely town, very pretty and they tell us it is also safe and there's a good sense of community. I got good vibes from it.

We walked along the beach with Tui dog. She is a lovely, gentle old lady dog, with a habit of just walking up to you and leaning heavily on your leg to inform you that you have been chosen for the Pat 'n' Stroke. On the beach, Tui discovered Many Sticks and I threw them around for her.  It was a great way to spend an afternoon.

In the evening, we chatted and drank and ate and listened to music. Occasionally, G-Man and OC's children came in and said hello on their way to doing their thing. They are lovely kids and there's that whole shock that old effers like me get when you look at kids and occasionally see their parents faces clear as day from 20 years ago. It's like you're squinting directly into the past, and then the image is gone.

But should you want to see G-Man from a very very long time ago, I've included in the extras a picture of him from his student magazine, "Phart". It features articles written by G-Man such as the ongoing serial, "The Nude Cowboy" and agony column, "Ask Dr. Matt".

"The editor told me that my writing looked like the product of a fevered mind and that I was revealing a disturbing amount about myself," G-Man told us. 

"Oh good," he replied.

And as you can see, he was also featured in there as their Pin Up guy and there is a description of his likes/dislikes. As I'm sure you'll agree, OrkneyCaro is a very lucky woman.


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