Bring me sunshine...

We set out today to find a wide angle shot, and went walking along the Gloucester Sharpness ship canal. The light was fleeting; changing quickly from thick overcast to bright blue as a weather front sailed overhead. 

A skein of geese, heading into Slimbridge, likewise went over our heads, but the ultra-wide was too wide. And somehow a huge floater had got behind the lens and it appeared like a crow at the top of every shot!

I've had to deal as well with a few oil spots on the sensor, which is surprising. It took ages for me to need to clean the 5D. I hope they are a one-off. Anyway, back to the towpath...

A mile down the towpath the Sun came out and caught Janet full in the face. Despite the gentle squint, of all the shots I took today this is the one for me. My sunshine. She keeps me sane (well, sane-ish)

She's a little anxious for her dad, who's trying out care home living this week, unexpectedly early as Parkinsons takes its toll on him and his relatively new wife. Mortal thoughts and glooming, dispelled by sunlight.

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