Tiny Tuesday - More of the same...

Where does the day go? I barely got up, swam through some annoying emailery, bought a pint of milk and trimmed the trees in the back garden... and it's gone dark! I suppose, for someone averse to grey skies, at least they don't hang around.

Earlier, Janet drew my attention to a silver plate platter we had consigned to secondary duties in the garden, which was blattered with the morning's rain. It's quite effective, although of course as soon as I tried to position it to improve the light all the droplets merged into meh.

I laughed out loud today, when I saw our current MEP Molly Scott Cato being challenged by a Brexit MEP who really ought to have done at least a little background checking before he engaged his gob. Enjoy.

But now be good to yourself and go play this one, and play it with the volume at eleven. It's truly awesome, and when the gods speak they do not tend to whisper...

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