
By Houseonahill6

Grey days

A miserable day weather wise and seemed to get dark so early so not many photos taken today .
It was off to the Pool first thing with Anne.We were not sure if we would be going but although it was abit frosty it was not too icy.
The pool was a good temperature but it feels so cold when you come out so I try to get a cubicle with a radiator in it.
Back home to do some housework and then Richard and Mike got back from their trip South. Richard was starving, nothing new there, so raided the cupboards and the fridge ;)
He stayed for a couple of hours and then went home.
The afternoon brought some sleety showers , the horses seemed fine especially those with coats on.
I was out in the evening to IV10, our local restaurant where we had a Girl Guiding get together. Lovely food, I had the steak sandwich with onion marmalade , crispy onions, rocket and fries. I also had a very tasty chocolate Brownie for pud.
Back home at about 10, still cold out.

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