
By Houseonahill6

My little friend

A beautiful sunrise to start the day. It was cold again with frost on the decking which soon cleared when the sun hit it. Low mist hung over the other side of the Firth .
We went out at about 11 to post some letters for some Brownie Badges and to take a cheque and booking form to The Hub in Muir of Ord as we’re taking the Brownies to see the new Lion King film in a few weeks.
Stopped at the Spud Hut for some veggies and tatties. The sun ,which had disappeared behind the fog and low cloud ,was peeping through and with the tide in and very still water the lighting looked lovely.
Went down to Redcastle to get some shots incase the sun disappeared again. Hard to capture what it was really like.Went for a quick walk along the burn, lots of water gushing down and muddy so did not go very far.Heaps of leaves were laying beneath the trees.
This robin kept hopping about close to my feet unfortunately I did not have any crumbs to give him but he still posed very nicely :)
On to Muir of Ord, left the payment in the office and then bought some take away soup and a cake and cheese scones.
We drove back to Redcastle to drink our soup and eat our scones, delicious :) I saved a few crumbs to give to the robin and he came down and took them from my hand.
Mike went to a meeting in Cromarty about the new cinema there. It should be up and running by the end of January,
I got the dinner ready, pasties with lots of fresh veg.
We watched the ‘Gold digger‘ in the evening.

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