Smokin’ ....

A dry and frosty start after last nights rain.
First job was to bring in my spring calving cows and calves so we could give the calves their first pneumonia vaccine. They get the second booster in 3-4 weeks when they are housed. Drew out half a dozen cows with their bullock calves and ran them down to the bull field . Will leave them in there over the weekend with the bulls that we couldn’t get in last week. Hopefully they will to help get them in when we try again.
Wee brother and the herds busy branding the blackie glimmers next door. They are the ewe lambs from last year that are going to the tups later this month. They get a mark branded in each horn as a permanent identification , a letter for the farm and a number for the year they were born . Doesn’t hurt them as it’s into dead horn but it’s a very unique smell , like burning hair .

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